
Last week Bobbie and I drove to upper Wisconsin to be with most of the Smith’s for a fun filled week of vacation in Eagle River.  Neal’s sister has a cottage as well as their oldest son.  I rented two houses for my kids who all came except Collin, who stayed behind to work.

Ty and Jenni learned how to ski and did a great job!  I was even still able to get up.  Karsten looked like Neal out on the skis with his wet hair and Michelle made it looked so easy.




One night most of the kids went to Kartway to ride go karts and I guess they got kind of wild!

Of course we celebrated the 4th of the July with a picnic, fireworks and a boat parade.

It was great to have a change of pace and rest although I continued my training for the Susuan G Komen walk.  I am so thankful that God does not take a vacation.  He is always with me, loves me no matter what and gives me strength and peace.  “My soul finds rest in God, my hope comes from Him.”  Psalm 62:5
On the journey,

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