The next generation

Last  weekend Britton and Grant’s families came for the weekend.  Sunday Britton led us in house church.  While we were singing four of my grandsons were sitting on some cushions and singing along with us.  Just look how precious they look!

Corbin, Eli, Lane, Caleb
Corbin, Eli, Lane, Caleb

Shortly after I took took this picture they weren’t so cherub!  But, as I watched them sitting there and worshipping, I thought about how Neal and I tried to raise our kids to love and serve God.  Both of our parents raised Neal and me to believe in God and follow His ways.  My grandparents did the same.  Now I see my married kids training their children and bringing them up to love the Lord also.  I pray that my grandchildren will continue in this pattern.

Psalm 78:6-7 says, “He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so the next generation might know them- even the children not yet born- that they in turn might teach their children, so each generation can set its hope anew on God, remembering his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.”

What we do today makes a difference in the future.  Yesterday I went to the baby dedication for my good friend’s daughter.  They also had baptisms.  It reminded me of two things.  Our time here on earth will come to an end for us all but new life, through the birth of littles ones and the spiritual new birth we are offered through the Lord Jesus Christ, continues the future.  Second as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise our children.  We need others to stand along side us to bring up our children in the ways of God.  That can be parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, etc.  We all have people watching us whether we realize it or not!  Those who do not have a spiritual heritage can start one with your own family so that future generations may know.

Last year I started “GrammyCamp.”  You must be three and potty trained to come!  Next week is the time for Lane, Eli and Caleb to come to Grammy Camp 2015.  I decided to take this opportunity to help train my grandkids to love and serve God.  This year we will be learning Proverns 7:1, “My son, listen to my words and treasure my commands.”  We will have a pirate theme with all kinds of activities and even pirate food.  (For ideas like I did below, follow my Pinterest board marked Grammy Camp ideas.)

Ahoy matey! Welcome to Grammy Camp 2015
Ahoy matey!
Welcome to Grammy Camp 2015

“Be very careful never to forget what you have seen the Lord do for you.  Do not let these things escape from your mind as long as you live!  And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.”  Deut. 4:9

Who can you pass on what the Lord has done for you today or this week?  The legacy can continue on through you or start through you!

On the journey,


PS My next post will be about how I survived Grammy Camp!


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