The Affordable Care Act was signed into law on March 23, 2010. I was among the thousands of people who had their insurance cancelled because it did not qualify under the new law. The President said you can keep your old plan for a year and this week it was reported that there may be another delay which would allow insurers to continue selling insurance plans that would otherwise be banned under the law.” (Fox News 3/4/14) My insurance company is not allowing this extension because they “want to be in compliance with the new law.” (Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan) On their website and emails they are stating that open enrollment ends soon.
It was so complicated to try to figure out which plan would be best for me, Karsten and Collin: Catastrophic? Bronze? Silver? Gold? I printed them all off, laid them on the living room floor, got a legal pad and pen and set to work. How much would this premium cost me for a year? Based on what I think medically will happen this year, how much would I pay out of pocket? Pay a high premium-low deductible or low premium-high deductible?? Yikes
God offers an open enrollment plan for His Kingdom. His plan to become part of His family and receive eternal life has no end here on earth and the requirements don’t keep changing. God make it simple to become a part of His family; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. (John 14:6; Romans 9: 9,10; Acts 4:12; Rev, 8:10)
The requirements are simple:
- Repent from our sin (1 John 1:8,9; Acts 2:37,38)
- Obedience to follow God’s ways (Matt 7:21; Luke 11:28; 1 John 2:3)
We don’t have to work so we can pay the premiums. Being a good person, going to church or doing good works won’t buy us entrance into God’s kingdom (Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 6:23). Jesus is the one who paid the premium for us once and for all times (1 Peter 1:18,19; Romans 8:1,2) and it’s free! No subsidies needed! God is the only person who offers such an incredible plan (Revelation 8:10; Acts 4:12).
The only similarity between God’s plan and the Affordable Care Act is that all people are accepted. It doesn’t matter your previous condition. God loves and accepts poor people, rich people, tax collectors, prostitutes, women, men, children and sick people (Titus 2:11). His plan is open to all.
God gives us the plan of eternal life and assurance of entry into The Kingdom of God. I’m glad I am a part of His plan. It’s easy to become a participate and it’s free! How about you?
On the journey,

I couldn’t resist:)