Happy Birthday Neal

Neal would have been 57 today.


Fifty seven seven years ago May 11 was Mothers Day.  For many people it is a difficult day.  I usually shed some tears but also have some wonderful memories of the man who made me a mother.  This year I was in Indianapolis for the weekend with Whitney, Ty, and Banks.  Karsten drove over Saturday to join us.  We had a wonderful day at church and then out to eat at one of my favorite restaurants, Seasons 52.  Banks made me this cute flower pot with his feet prints.


When I got home last evening, I continued gathering things to put in the Bridgman city wide garage sale which is this weekend.  I went into a closet that I hadn’t been in for a couple years.  It had a lot of my scrap booking supplies and rubber stamps for card making.  I pulled out a container with the stamps to price them and found a love note from Neal.  Before he was sick, Neal would write on children’s valentines and hid them in random places for me to find.  So before he died, Neal wrote on several Valentines and had the boys hide them around the house.  Much to my surprise and delight I found one in with my stamps.  What a special gift for Mother’s Day! Neal was so thoughtful, always thinking of other people.


The valentines I have found since Neal died.







I pray you had a wonderful Mother’s Day whether you are a daughter, mom, a role model for kids or teach kids.

i am blessed to have 8 people call me Mom and 6 children call me Grammy.  ❤️

On the journey,


Mother’s Day

This is the second Mother’s Day without the man who made me a mother.  it is also Neal’s birthday this year on Mother’s Day.  i look back to the years we had together and feel so blessed for the time we had.  I look to my children and the future and also feel so blessed.  I have four grandchildren and one more on the way (Whitney and Ty in November).  I have the freedom to go help in Whitney’s classroom, babysit my grandchildren, go out last minute with my friends or volunteer at Hospice.  My journey is all about how does my life fit into God’s plans not how does God fit into my plans?

I recently did a bible study by Jennifer Rothschild called “Missing Pieces:  How to Have Peace When Life Doesn’t Make Sense.”  (I highly recommend it).  One comment she made that really hit me:  “By loving Jesus in our pain, we allow him into our pain.  It opens up doors to the blessings God wants to pour into our lives.  We will come to a place of increasing gratefulness for the journey of our lives, both the joyful times and the sad times….My struggles, my failures, my grief, my joy are molding my soul into something beautiful.  Eternal.  Good…I can fight it or yield to it.”

I would not have chosen this journey but I am grateful for what I have learned about God and myself.  I choose to yield to God’s plans.  How about you?

On the journey,


This was taken at Collin's after prom the May before Neal died.
This was taken at Collin’s after prom the May before Neal died.