What London taught me about Easter

I just got back from a trip to London with a friend for her nephew’s wedding.  We were able to enjoy some sighseeing while there.  London is home to much royalty and history, including Buckingham Palace, the primary home to the royal family of the United Kingdom Monarch.

Buckingham Palace


In front of the enterance

I was struck by the majesty of Westminster Abbey which was designed in the shape of a cross, recalling the death of Jesus Christ.  Its soaring vaults proclaim the unimaginable greatness of God.   It has been around since 960 AD originally as a monastery and has been the place for coronations, funerals and weddings, the latest being of Kate and William.  It is also the the burial and memorial place for many historical figures, poets, writers, musicians, Prime Ministers and Kings and Queens, such as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Bach, Isaac Newton, and Charles Darwin (that one surprised me since he didn’t believe in everything about God, yet he was buried in a house of God).image




We also visited the Tower of London, the historic castle on the River Thames founded towards the end of 1066.  It has served as an armoury, a treasury, home of the royal mint and most famously houses the Crown Jewels.

The Tower of LondonThe Tower of London

At the Tower of London
At the Tower of London

I was struck by the majesty, royalty, opulence of Buckingham Palace, West Minster Abbey and the Tower of London.  The Crown Jewels were breath taking.  God calls us his jewels, the crown of his glory and that we will sparkle like jewels in a crown. (Is. 62:3, Zech. 9:16, Malachi 3:17)  We are regarded by God as a crown is by a queen.  A treasure made up of costly things:  gold, diamonds and rubies.  To God, Christ followers are his jewels, his own special treasure.  God the Father has chosen these jewels, and has set them apart for Himself.  We are highly valued and esteemed by Him.

The Crown Jewels
The Crown Jewels

As I thought about Easter this year I was overwhelmed by the thought that Christ has bought us, His jewels with His blood.  Because of His death and resurrection He has taken us from sin and death and made us into His jewels which He looks at with delight and pleasure!

Because of Christ’s death and resurrection we also have the gift of eternal life.  God’s Word tells us that there will be crowns in heaven (2 Timothy 4:7-8, I Corinthians 9:24-27, Revelation 2:10, James 1:12, I Thessalonians 2:19,20, 1 Peter 5:1-4).  These crowns will be eternal rewards given to those deemed to be deserving of them by God for going the extra mile for our dedication and service while here on earth.  I would imagine they will even be more breath taking than the Crown Jewels!

What crowns will I receive?  Do I shine for God like beautiful jewels?

On the journey,


Big Ben
Big Ben
A gold statue in the park in front of Kensignton Palace
A gold statue in the park in front of Kensignton Palace