Precious Moments

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activities.

First, I would like to introduce you to Jonah Neal Smith born to Britton and Michelle on August 11, 7lb 2 oz., 30 inches long.  Big brothers Eli, who will turn 5 in a couple weeks, and Caleb, who just turned 3, are thrilled with their new brother.

Proud dad and me with grandchild #7!
Proud dad and me with grandchild #7!

We celebrated Caleb and Lane’s birthdays at Britton and Michelle’s so erveryone could see the baby.  Lane (Grant & Jenni’s son) turned 6 and Caleb turned 3.

Birthday boys!
Birthday boys!
Caleb, Eli with Jonah, Lane, Corbin with Hadley
Caleb, Eli with Jonah, Lane, Corbin with Hadley

Eli and Caleb were able to spend a couple days with me here.  It was Berrien County Fair week so the boys enjoyed a day of rides, animals and tractors!





Our dear friends (I mean MY dear friends) from Zambia came for a few days.  I still catch myself saying “we” or “our” instead of “me” and “my.”  They were here for some meetings in Chicago but also to attend our mutual friends son’s wedding in Holland, MI.  This wedding was particularly hard for me.  The Liske’s daughter got married two days after Neal died three years ago and Jim Liske did Neal’s funeral.  The last words Neal said to me before he slipped in unconsciousness was that he wanted to make it through the weekend so he didn’t interfere with Ali’s wedding.  It worked out that Neal’s funeral was 2 days after the wedding.  Lawrence Temfwe, from Zambia, also spoke at Neal’s funeral.  Sitting at the wedding I was reminded of when Christ returns.  The last book of the Bible, Revelation, talks about that there will be a new heaven and new earth.  Our old sick worn out bodies will be made new.  The new place where we will reign with Christ will come down from heaven like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband.  God will be with us for all eternity.  It will be a place of no more sorrow, no more death, no crying or pain.  (Revelation 21)  Sounds pretty amazing to me.  It gives me hope to continue on each day.

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Liske
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Liske
Cathy Liske, Martha and Lawrence Temfwe and Jim Liske
Cathy Liske, Martha and Lawrence Temfwe and Jim Liske

The day after the wedding I left with my widow friend, Julie, to go to a dude ranch in Colorado.  My next post I will share about my awesome time becoming a cowgirl!


When I got home from the ranch, the following day was the anniversary of Neal’s death, Aug. 31, 2012.  It was a hard day for me for several reasons.  I mentioned earlier about the recent wedding; there were a couple times at the ranch that were emotional for me wishing Neal was with me; I was tired from traveling; while I was away the mice problem got worse (Whitney and Ty were house sitting and dealt with much of it which was a blessing) so I had a mess to deal with when I returned home.


This weekend is our annual Labor Day Weekend family reunion with my mom’s family.  I love having everyone here.  It is such a blessing to be together.  So as I leave this post and anticipate my parent’s arrival, let me leave you with this thought:

Happy Moments–Praise God

Difficult Moments–Seek God

Quiet Moments–Worship God

Painful Moments–Trust God

Every Moment–Thank God

I pray your moments are filled with praise and thankfulness as we each continue on our journeys.

On trhe journey,



Grandson #5 is here!

Banks Tyler Luther was born to Whitney and Ty last Wednesday, October 29 at 7:53pm, weighing in at 8.9 lbs and 22 inches long!

Banks Tyler Luther

Labor and delivery went well but Whitney had some excessive bleeding afterwards.  They were unable to stop it through meds and various other techniques so she was transported to a hospital across the street for a procedure.  Surgery was successful but she had to spend a couple nights in ICU.  Ty went back and forth hospitals to spend time with Banks, torn between the two.  Whitney has received a few transfusions because she lost a tremendous amount of blood.  Saturday she was transferred back to the delivery hospital to the high risk ward but was reunited with Banks!  Sunday Whitney was then transferred up to the normal recovery floor where Banks had been staying.  And yesterday afternoon we came home!

The Luther family

Staying at the hospital reminded me of staying with Neal.  Walking the halls; pressing the “open door” button on the wall; going to the nourishment room for coffee and ice water; IV poles; infusions; dry hands from the constant use of hand sanitizer; sleeping on couches; operating on little sleep with headaches, back and neck pain, are some of the fresh memories.  This time there was a much happier outcome.

imageLong hospital hallway



After Whitney had given birth, Ty brought me back to be with her.  She was feeling sick while the team was trying to get her bleeding under control.  I was holding the infamous pink hospital throw up bucket under her chin at the side of her hospital bed.  I looked down and saw her side profile and saw Neal laying there.  I started to cry and had to have Ty take over.  I wasn’t expecting that emotion.  Grief hits when you least expect it.  Driving down last Wednesday morning I did think about that this was the first grandchild born since Neal died–that emotion I did anticipate.  It has come over Whitney and I a few times the past few days.  I believe Neal was up in heaven cheering Whitney on during labor, delivery and her surgery and continues to do so.


When I looked down in the hospital and saw Neal laying there through Whitney, she was made in the image of her dad.  When I look at little Banks he looks so much like his daddy, Ty.  They are a snapshot of their earthly fathers sharing in their likeness.  Genesis 1:27-28 says we are made in the image of God.  Am I reflecting God to others?  How am I doing reflecting the image of God through what I say or do?  How is my moral compass?  How am I cultivating my mind?  I pray that when people look at me they can see my resemblance to my Heavenly Father.

Proverb 17:6 says that “Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children.”  Grandchildren are the greatest and most beautiful thing.  (Not so thrilled about “the aged” thing!).  Children are the best and most notable aspect of their parents.  After God created He said it was good and after He created man and women He said it was VERY good.

"GrandchildrenGrandchildren are VERY good!

On the journey,
