Love Notes

I have been doing some remodeling and purging in anticipation for a garage sale.  This week I was cleaning out my jewelry armoire and came across this note from Neal:  valentine from neal

Last week I came across this one when I was cleaning out my coffee drawer:

Cookie Monster valentine

Don’t judge, I know it has been 20 months since Neal died, there was a lot of cleaning to do!  I had let things go for a few years.  I had a good excuse and I’m sticking to it. 🙂

Neal, out of his great love for me, had these notes hidden all throughout the house.  Even in his death he was thinking of me, not his situation.  I thought it was timely that I found a note this week since we are focusing on the meaning of Easter.  God, out of His great love for us, sent His Son to die a brutal death on the cross so we could have forgiveness of sins and have life forever with Him in heaven.

“But God demonstrated his own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners Christ died for us.”  Romans 5:8

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment  that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”  Isaiah 53:5

Neal demonstrated his love for me through these love notes.  How much greater did God demonstrate His love for us by sending His Son, Jesus.  As we celebrate this weekend, let us take time to thank God for His incredible demonstration of His love for us.

I wish Neal was here so I could tell him how much these notes mean to me.  These are the notes I have found so far:

collection of love notes

Thank you Lord for showing us Your love.

On the journey,
