Open My Eyes

Britton, “Eli, tell Grammy what happened at church today.”  Eli, “I saw Jesus outside the window while we were singing ‘Open  the Eyes of My Heart.’  He had on a white robe, had bright white eyes, dark hair, dark skin and brown scandals. He told me to obey my parents and only pray to Jesus and no one else.”  I quickly ran to get my Bible because that morning I had been reading in Mark 10:46-52 about the faith of blind Bartimaeus.  I am using a new Bible every year for each of my grandchildren.  As I read through the Bible I underline things that stick out to me and write messages in the margins.  This year I am working on Eli’s Bible.  I will give the Bible to the kids when they turn 16.  (Thanks for the idea Pat H.!)  Back to the story, Bartimaeus had asked Jesus to have mercy on him and that he wanted to see.  Jesus said to him that because of his faith he was healed and instantly the man could see.  I had written in the margin that morning, “Eli, ask God today to open your eyes to see Jesus and understand all that he has done for you through the death on the cross for you.  That is my prayer for you today.❤️ Grammy, 3/7/16.”  I relayed that incident to Eli and his daddy.  Coincidence, I think not but the work of the Holy Spirit.  It gives me the goosies.

Open my eyes to see Jesus, to see God’s handiwork, to see those in need and open my eyes to see what is important.  A couple events happened recently causing me to think about what’s really important.  My girlfriend’s husband died suddenly of a heart attack January 22 and Neal’s brother, Karl, died January 31 after a long battle with brain cancer.  Listening to what people say about the deceased person at visitations and funerals made me wonder what people will say about me at my funeral.  Am I so busy doing my own thing that I don’t open my eyes to what’s truly important?

People ask me quite often, “So what are you doing with your time?”  Sometimes my perception Is that I need to be working or volunteering or doing something of importance with my time.  I have come to realize that being available to run my mother-in-law one day a week to her appointments, or being available to meet a friend for coffee who needs some encouragement, or being available to babysit my grandchildren, or being available to teach a bible study, or being available to take a trip with a friend is also important.

Corbin, Lane and I played lots of games when I was babysitting them in February.
Corbin, Lane and I played lots of games when I was babysitting them in February.



My only granddaughter, Hadley!
My only granddaughter, Hadley!




For Christmas I made each family a book about Neal titled "Granddad." Everyday I was babysitting Banks he would read that book and point to granddad. It was so sweet!
For Christmas I made each family a book about Neal titled “Granddad.” Everyday I was babysitting Banks he would read that book and point to granddad. It was so sweet


“If I were to let my life be taken over by what is urgent, I might very well never get around to what is essential.”   Henry Nouwen

“May the choices I make today bring happiness to my future rather than regrets!”  Dale L. Smith

“Live a good life and in the end, it’s not the years ia life, it’s the life in the years.”  Abraham Lincoln








Enjoying the sunset in Florida with some girlfriends.
Enjoying the sunset in Florida with some girlfriends.
My view in Palm Springs with my mother-in-law!
My view in Palm Springs with my mother-in-law!



In the in the midst of traveling I had a “Galentine’s Day” party. That’s an opportunity to celebrate gals for those of us that are single.?  We had a full fondue dinner, did a craft, watched a movie, and had a sleep over.  After breakfast we had breakfast and played cards.

Making coasters at our Galentines Day party.


All set for our Downton Abbey dinner!

I don’t know if any of you were Downton Abbey fans but it was as show Sunday nights on PBS.  It takes place in the 1920’s in England on an estate with a castle.  Sunday March 6 was the last show of the last season.  I had a viewing party. We had a formal dinner with four courses.  We completed dinner in time to watch the last show.  It didn’t fail to disappoint!

Dug out my moms silver and became Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Pattmore and the footman!
Dug out my moms silver and became Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Pattmore and the footman!














As we enter into this Easter season may we open our eyes to what Jesus has done for us.  Out of gratitude hear his voice daily, listen to his instructions, walk in his ways and trust in his love.

On the journey,



What London taught me about Easter

I just got back from a trip to London with a friend for her nephew’s wedding.  We were able to enjoy some sighseeing while there.  London is home to much royalty and history, including Buckingham Palace, the primary home to the royal family of the United Kingdom Monarch.

Buckingham Palace


In front of the enterance

I was struck by the majesty of Westminster Abbey which was designed in the shape of a cross, recalling the death of Jesus Christ.  Its soaring vaults proclaim the unimaginable greatness of God.   It has been around since 960 AD originally as a monastery and has been the place for coronations, funerals and weddings, the latest being of Kate and William.  It is also the the burial and memorial place for many historical figures, poets, writers, musicians, Prime Ministers and Kings and Queens, such as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, Bach, Isaac Newton, and Charles Darwin (that one surprised me since he didn’t believe in everything about God, yet he was buried in a house of God).image




We also visited the Tower of London, the historic castle on the River Thames founded towards the end of 1066.  It has served as an armoury, a treasury, home of the royal mint and most famously houses the Crown Jewels.

The Tower of LondonThe Tower of London

At the Tower of London
At the Tower of London

I was struck by the majesty, royalty, opulence of Buckingham Palace, West Minster Abbey and the Tower of London.  The Crown Jewels were breath taking.  God calls us his jewels, the crown of his glory and that we will sparkle like jewels in a crown. (Is. 62:3, Zech. 9:16, Malachi 3:17)  We are regarded by God as a crown is by a queen.  A treasure made up of costly things:  gold, diamonds and rubies.  To God, Christ followers are his jewels, his own special treasure.  God the Father has chosen these jewels, and has set them apart for Himself.  We are highly valued and esteemed by Him.

The Crown Jewels
The Crown Jewels

As I thought about Easter this year I was overwhelmed by the thought that Christ has bought us, His jewels with His blood.  Because of His death and resurrection He has taken us from sin and death and made us into His jewels which He looks at with delight and pleasure!

Because of Christ’s death and resurrection we also have the gift of eternal life.  God’s Word tells us that there will be crowns in heaven (2 Timothy 4:7-8, I Corinthians 9:24-27, Revelation 2:10, James 1:12, I Thessalonians 2:19,20, 1 Peter 5:1-4).  These crowns will be eternal rewards given to those deemed to be deserving of them by God for going the extra mile for our dedication and service while here on earth.  I would imagine they will even be more breath taking than the Crown Jewels!

What crowns will I receive?  Do I shine for God like beautiful jewels?

On the journey,


Big Ben
Big Ben
A gold statue in the park in front of Kensignton Palace
A gold statue in the park in front of Kensignton Palace