The Green Bench

London’s weather is anything but predictable, well other than it will probably rain sometime during the day.  The Brit’s say that they have four seasons–all in one day!  The day we walked across the Tower of London Bridge it was pouring down rain.  More accurately, it was raining sideways.  I had a hard time keeping my hood on my head.  My friend, Barb, couldn’t use her umbrella because it was blowing so hard.  Needless to say, we got drenched from the rain.  I had never seen Barb out in public without her hair done or make-up!

Fighting the rain on the Tower of London bridge
Fighting the rain on the Tower of London bridge
Getting drenched!
Getting drenched!

I wasn’t looking forward to our trip home.  In order to get cheaper tickets we flew from London to Stokholm, had a nine our layover there and then headed back to Chicago O’Hare.  At first I thought, nine hours–great.  We will go on a city tour but then I quickly realized that the layover was during the night when everything in the city and the airport is closed.    After we went through customs in Stokholm we wandered through the airport to claim a soft bench to sleep on.  By the time we got there around 2:00am all the soft benches were taken.  We found some green benches in a closed resturant that we claimed.

Our spot for the night!
Our spot for the night!

I didn’t really think anything of my complaining about the rain or long layover in the airport.  I was originally going to do this post on perseverance but as I studied and wrote God convicted me about my compalining. Complaining is probably one of the sins most tolerated by Christians.  We tolerate it and perhaps don’t even think of it as a sin since lots of people do it.

Attempting some shut eye
Attempting some shut eye

The Greek word translated “complainer” means literally “one who is discontented with his lot in life.”  The Isrealites complained while they were wandering in the desert even` after God had delivered them from the cruel Egyptians and they had seen God’s power through the ten plagues.  I was certainly discontent with my circumstances.

Complaining is certainly not a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) like peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.    So I had complained about the rain, the layover and then on the flight from Stokholm to Chicago a mom with her three children sat in front of us.  The two year old cried and cried and the mother didn’t do anything to stop or comfort her.    I was not very understanding or helpful but gave the evil eye.   I am embarrassed to say.

“14 Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast to the word of life” Phil. 2:14-16

It says do ALL things without grumbling, not SOME things.  Ooops…

Lord, please forgive me for my complaining and grumbling.  I know it arises out of my own selfishness.  Forgive me of my selfishness.  When I grumble it really is against you who wills and works all things in my life.  May I trust your plans and work in my life.  May I be a person of joy and light to the world.  Amen


Humbly on the journey,
