Starting 2016 with a bang!

I started 2016 in a big way!  First of all, my children and their families were here New Year’s weekend to celebrate Christmas.  It was a wonderful way to start the year.  Everyone seemed to have fun together hanging out, playing games, and eating.

Loving the new books!
Loving the new books!
Playing the new games "Bells"
Playing the new games “Bellz”

The past few years we have started some new traditions while opening gifts.  After everyone wakes up and the kids open their Santa gift and everyone unpacks their stockings, the adults play a gift card memory game.      imageThe adults, instead of exchanging gifts, each bring three $10 gift cards for the day’s games.  Another game that is always entertaining is our wheel of fun.  (This wheel was from years ago when Neal’s dental office had a booth at the Berrien County Youth Fair.)

Wheel of fun!
Wheel of fun!

This game requires earning your gift cards either by answering trivia, “head-bands,” acting something out or stealing a card. To make this fun you need people who can be a little crazy.  No problem with my family!

Acting out the nativity scene with a little flair!
Acting out the nativity scene with a little flair!

We added a new game this year, a Saran Wrap ball.  I put a gift card in the center and started wrapping with Saran Wrap, adding little items along the way.  We found it works better if you use the cheap clear Saran Wrap from like the Dollar Store, use short strips of Saran Wrap instead of longer pieces and every so often put strapping tap on the ball.  The adults wore bulky mittens when it was their turn.image image

One person started in the middle unwrapping the ball. A pair of dice went around the circle, everyone taking a turn to roll.  As soon as a person rolled a double, it was their turn to unwrap the ball.  Just as soon as an adult got on the gloves to start unwrapping maybe someone rolled a double already and they didn’t even get a turn.  Some people were “lucky” and had several turns unrolling while one family member didn’t even get a chance!  The kids even enjoyed it.  For more details you can search on Pinterest for Saran Wrap ball.

On Monday I took Collin back up to school at Grand Valley University near Grand Rapids.  After I went to Holland to have coffee with a friend.  Before I arrived there, an older gentleman pulled out of a parking lot on the right side ands crossed over two lanes of traffic and hit me head on while I was in the left turn lane.  Both air bags deployed.  I am alright just received a good blow to my chest and some bruises.  My car didn’t fare so well, totaled.

So long my Jeep!
So long my Jeep!

Back at home later that night I was feeling sorry for myself thinking about probably having to put out more money towards a car.  I also started thinking about how my medical insurance is going up over $400 @ month.  Don’t get me started on my Obama Care.  I felt myself getting anxious, frustrated, physically exhausted and depressed.  When we focus on the negative things happening in our life we head down the path of no peace.  I started thinking about the blessings.  Bless God for air bags and that the accident happened in Holland where my son, Britton, and friends, the Liske’s, could come and help.  The rental car company only charged me the fee my insurance company would cover instead of the larger amount they quoted me.  Because I have a little Chrysler 200 rental I have stayed home more because I don’t feel as safe in it as I did my SUV.  Therefore, I am getting some projects done here at home.  There are always blessings to be found if we look and don’t get buried in the negative things going on around us.

God doesn’t want you to be downcast, constantly looking at your problems.  Rather, He wants you to lift up your head and look for blessings.

Lord, I pray that 2016 will be a year you would help me walk with you daily in the way of peace, looking to You for guidance and comfort.  May I have eyes to see the blessings every day that You provide.


5 years cancer free!

1 lump…4 surgeries…12 rounds of chem…37 rounds of radiation…Being a survivor…PRICELESS!

Now...This survivor kicked cancer's butt!
Now…This survivor kicked cancer’s butt!

In May 2009, I was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive lobular breast cancer. a On June 1 I had a bilateral mastectomy.  I feel blessed to be among the 84% of women to survive to 5 years.  I have spent some time reading through my journal and blog posts from that time.  I repeatedly posted that I felt God’s peace through the journey and I felt that God was my rock, hope and strength.  He is sovereign and His ways are best.  I also had tremendous support from friends and family.

Verses that ministered to me during that time and continue to be some of my favorites are:

When I am weak He (God) is strong. Proverbs 19:21

Cast your cares on The Lord and He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22

I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go.  I’m telling you; “Don’t panic I’m right here to help you.”  Isaiah 41:13

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, that transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7

My friend gave me this bracelet during my treatment.  I have worn it everyday since. " Änd lo, I am with you always.   .Matthew 28:20
My friend gave me this bracelet during my treatment. I have worn it everyday since. ” Änd lo, I am with you always. .Matthew 28:20

I found pages of blessings where I chose to focus on the positives instead of dwelling on the situation.  “I am giving thanks today for being sore  because I know the chemo is doing its thing.”  “One benefit of having no hair is that it rained today and I didn’t have to worry about my hairdo!”  “Cancer has been a blessing because it has caused me to stop (the crazy busy scjhedule) and assess what is important.  I am not defined by what I do but by my being.  I am learning to be still and know God.”

It was during my treatment that I was doing a Beth Moore study called “Daniel.” Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the firery furnance for refusing to bow down and worship the golden image of King Nebuchadnezzar.  Beth gave three different scenarios when people of God face a firey trail:

!.  We can be delivered FROM the fire.  When that happens our faith is built.  We could have our illness removed miraculously and give God glory.

2.  We can be delivered THROUGH the fire.  When that happend our faith is refined.  We go through the illness and emerge recovered.

3.  We can be delivered BY the fire into His arms.  When that happens our faith is perfected.  We succumb to the illness and go into the presence of God.

I wrote “In all honesty I am not ready at this point to face scenario C.”  Two years later Neal was in situation 3.  He was delivered into God’s arms and his faith is perfected.  I still don’t understand why some are healed and some are not.  It is a mystery of God but I do know that His ways are best.  I can trust Him.

I could have chosen to become bitter or angry during my illness (and beyond) but I would have been stuck and miserable.  It is scarey to step out and trust God.  I had to give up the idea that I was in control, that my business was a good thing, my ways were best, that God is someone that gives us what we want.  In all these NO! I chose to open myself to allow God to be ruler of my life and to move freely within me to do things within me and through me.  I still have my days when I want to be in control and get angry when things are hard.  God loves me anyway.  It is through my brokedness that God is transforming me to be used for His purposes.

I found this in my journal and I’m sorry I don’t know where it came from:

“Life is like a path.  At times it is straight and smooth–at other times it turns and becomes uneven.  We stay on this path because it’s here we find joy in the journey.”

God has us each on our own unique journey.  He goes before us and will be with us.  He will never leave us or forsake us.  We don’t need to be afraid. (Deut. 31:8)

On the journey,
