Susan G. Komen 3 day here we come!

Well, tomorrow night we head over to the Detroit area to start our 3 day journey of 20 miles each day!  I have walked over 500 miles to train, clipped my toe nails, raised my support (thanks to all my contributors:)) and have my shoes ready to go!  There are 4 of us on our team, Support the Sisters, ready to walk and sleep in the pink tents.

Karsten and I came back from Indy today after helping for a couple days to  get Whitney’s classroom ready for her students that came today.  I got the flu early this morning so have been laying low today to regain my strength.

“And what does The Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to WALK humbly with your God.”  Micah 6:8

Let’s get walking!

On the journey,

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