Party With A Purpose

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The ladies Bible study I am involved with has studied Jen Hatmaker’s The 7 Experiment.


The study challenges you to take a look at the excess in 7 areas of your life:  food, clothing,possessions, media, waste, spending, and stress.

I had participated in a “Party With A Purpose” at a conference I attended just a couple weeks earlier.  There we traced and cut out jeans to be made into shoes for children in Uganda. These children walk, run and play all day with no shoes on rough roads and rocks damaging their feet providing  an environment for parasites such as jiggers to cause severe infections.  If you are like me, I have a nice home, a closet full of clothes (still:)), more than one outfit to wear, a car and plenty of shoes.   The organization “Sole Hope”  mission is “to offer HOPE through education, jobs and medical relief.  To empower people to live healthier lives, free of foot-related diseases.”

A shoe cutting party, what a great way to use the jeans we purged from our closets!   The shoes we cut are sent to Africa and then assembled by impoverished women; primarily widows and ex slave workers.  Sole Hope then pays a fair wage to these women for the shoes and places them on the feet of children after removing jiggers and caring for their feet.

Check out the website for more information .  There is an amazing video showing their work.

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” Rom. 10:15

On the journey,



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