North Carolina, North Carolina

Last week I had the opportunity to drive back down to North Carolina with my girlfriend to pick up her kids at her parent’s house.  My friend is walking with me at the Susan G. Komen walk in just a few weeks so we stopped at The Cumberland Falls to get in a hike and see the falls.  Tuesday we all went to The Biltmore Estate in Ashville.  That house and the grounds are beautiful.  Biltmore has walking trails on their grounds so we were able to get some more training in.  Wednesday we drove through the hilly and windy Smokey Mountains.  Amy’s girls road bikes on a 11 mile loop while  we walked it.  Thursday we stuck near home and of course got in another great walk. :). Friday we headed back to southwestern Michigan.

Going to bed listening to the stream near the house and waking up to that beautiful sound was very relaxing.  That part of the country is so beautiful.  Many times I thought of Jeremiah 32:17 that says,”Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you.”  If He created those beautiful mountains and waterfalls I know He will take care of me.  Don’t you just wonder what heaven will be like?  Far more wonderful than here. 🙂

On the journey,

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