Neal’s update from ground zero

Hi Everyone from U of C
I checked in Sunday to my room.  Fortunately I feel quite well.  It is a bit like being at a hotel but having to stay in the room.  Room service is fine but I don’t get to use the pool or jacuzzi  🙂
Things are improving quite rapidly with medication.  The cough like kids get is almost gone.  Other antibiotics are being reduced.  All things trending in a good way.  Tomorrow I should have a better idea on discharge.  The balance is wanting to get home but not leaving too soon. 
Because I still have a lowered immune system, I am restricted to large groups of people which is killer for me but I will get there.

There are so many here that are so much sicker than I am.  I always recall that there is always someone worse than you are.  Something to be thankful for.  God keeps putting me in positions to ask “Where do you put your hope?”  Medicine is great but ultimately still has limitations.

As I reflect on being in the midst of a challenge, the question arises what have I put into my warehouse of faith and knowledge during times of calm.  This morning I likened it to knowing CPR.  I need to be trained and practice in it so when an emergency occurs I can implement it right away.  The same happens when any challenge, especially a faith challenge happens with little or no warning.  Am I reading what God says in the Bible?  Am I spending time talking and listening to God for what he is revealing to me? Am I learning and storing knowledge and promises during the calm because when things explode I have little energy or time to learn it on the fly?

Be thankful for each day

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