Moving past the whys….

I have been reflecting a lot these past few days on the last days we had with Neal.  Why Lord did you not heal him?  Why Lord did he have to die?  Why Lord now, he was so young?  Why Lord are you putting our family through this?  I have come to realize that I must move past the whys.  I may never know.  Instead of asking “why” I have been asking “how?”  Lord how can you use this in my life and the life of my family?  

God you are my comfort, stronghold, deliverer, the mighty one.  You have made the heavens and earth and me.  You are the same yesterday, today and forever.  I know your love will never leave me.  So I choose to hold on to you and trust that you have a bigger plan.
Please don’t get hung up on the whys of Neal’s death.  I know it makes no sense to me either.  But choose to trust God and his ways.
On the journey,

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