
Summer has come and gone.  I haven’t posted since the beginning of June.  But I am back to share because it is very theraputic for me and helps me process events and thoughts.

Much has happened since my last post, which I will share over the next few posts.  One thing I have been dealing with this summer and now into fall is being misunderstood.  Do you ever feel like you are doing the right thing but some other people misinterpret what you’ve said or done?  They don’t have all the facts and don’t try to understand.

I think Jesus was and is the most misunderstood person.  Yet He didn’t demand to be understood.  He provided opportunities for others to understand Him, but He didn’t force it.

As a boy, Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus was not with them on the return journey back to Nazareth from celebrating the Passover in Jerusalem.  They turned around and went back to Jerusalem to find Jesus in the temple asking questions.  Mary said to Jesus, “Son, why have you treated us like this?  Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.”  “Why were you searching for me?” Jesus asked.  “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”  Mary and Joseph did not understand what he was saying to them.  He did return with his parents to Nazareth.  (Luke 2:46-52)  His parents knew Jesus was Son of the Most High (Luke 2:31) but they did not understand what that really meant. His own parents didn’t fully understand Him.

A crowd had gathered one time to hear Jesus’ teaching.  Mark 3 tells us that when his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him  becasue they thought he was out of his mind. (v.21)  His siblings had played with him, went to school and synagogue with him, worked with him, shared meals together year after year.  They only knew him as their brother and they had no idea he could be more.  Jesus’ own family did not understand him.

When Jesus went to his home town of Nazareth, he began teaching in the synagogue.  The people were amazed at what he was saying and his miraculous powers.  They asked, “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son?” (Matthew 13:53-58)  They did not mean it as a compliment but a slur.  These people had seen Jesus grow up and knew his parents.   They couldn’t get past that, therefore, couldn’t believe his message.   They did not allow themselves to see beyond what they knew.  Jesus’ hometown didn’t understand him.

We see numerous times in the Gospels that Jesus was misunderstood by his followers.  The disciples did believe that Jesus ministered in the power and wisdom of God’s Spirit.  (John 12:15-17)  Yet, they still did not understand some of the things he said or did.  They failed to recognize the symbolizism in Jesus’ teachings and actions.  (John 13:7-13)  They failed to perceive Jesus’ real mission and his resurection. (John 6:18; 20:9) Even after the resurrection, the disciples still didn’t understand.  John 20:9 states that they still did not understand from Scriptures that Jesus had to rise from the dead.  Mary Magdalene was confused at the empty tomb thinking that the body had been moved to another location.    Jesus’ own followers did not understand him.

After the resurrection, the disciples still needed to have Christ open the Scriptures to them (Luke 24:7).  So the risen Lord sent them the Holy Sprirt to them to open their eyes, mind and hearts of the truths of Jesus.  The disciples did remember all of Jesus’ teachings and testified about Christ to the world.  The books in the New Testament are testiment to their undersstanding.

Jeus kept his course even though his was misundertood, even killed.  Christ’s ministry on earth was fullfilment of Old Testament prophesy.  It was all part of God’s plan.  When I am misunderstood I feel a need to go and explain or justify myself.  I wonder why that is?  I wonder if it is my pride making sure others really understand where I was coming from.  I wonder if it is because I want to control the situation.  Or maybe becauseI am so concered about what other people think of me.

I can try to “set some people straight” but some people aren’t going to change no matter how hard you try.  Here’s how I am dealing with being misunderstood: seek the Lord for guidance and wisdom.  Keep on the path he has placed me.  Don’t get discouraged, because God is in control and he provides comfort and peace.  Check my heart attitude and motives.  Do I need to go to someone for clarification?

it’s tough being misunderstood.  I can’t image how Jesus felt with so many people misunderstanding him.  Yet, he rose above it and kept doing His Father’s will.

Are you misunderstood?

Lord, help me seek you always, trusting you for guidance and widsom.  Help me stay the course even though I am misunderstood.

On the journey,


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