Happy Late Mother’s Day!

We had a very fun but busy weekend with all the kids home. Saturday we had a family wedding shower for Whitney with many of the cousins coming in from Wisconsin. Saturday night we had family dinner at our house (28 of us!)to celebrate Mother’s Day, Neal’s dad’s birthday (which was Monday) and Neal’s birthday (which is tomorrow). Sunday the boys in our house fixed and cleaned up dinner for Mother’s Day!

Now on to Neal, he had a good doctor’s appointment last Thursday. His white count was 2.3 so it is going up! He was taken off of prograf (the anti-rejection medicine) and Avalox (an anti-biotic). This is the big week. Friday is day 100! This is the big milestone that doctors keep talking about. On Friday Neal will have blood drawn, a plumonary test, bone marrow biopsy and PET and CT scan to see how his body is accepting the new cells.

God has been faithful to walk along side us during this journey.

On the journey,

One thought on “Happy Late Mother’s Day!

  1. Happy Birthday(s)Neal. Happy to hear those counts are climbin’. He is faithful, always. You both take good care and if you go back on the 26th then maybe we’ll see you as I’ll have my six month regime at that time. Dawn says hi Trish.

    Steve(and Dawn)

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