Saturday Karsten graduated from Taylor University!
I was so proud of him especially since the first part of his college career was a struggle. His dad was sick the first two years and then died just a couple days into his junior year, his grandfather died that next January. Karsten missed classes both times. Probably at any other school Karsten would have had to sit out the semester. Taylor was such a loving and caring environment and his professors were gracious. I am very thankful for Taylor.
Being at Taylor brought back a lot of memories of when Neal and I were there. I could see us sitting in the auditorium, going for walks on campus or where he first kissed me. I saw a few classmates and employees of Taylor that knew both Neal and me. I found myself choked up with emotion a few times after talking with a few classmates and employees of Taylor I saw that we knew. And of course, just sitting at the graduation service wishing Neal could have been there with us brought emotion.
After graduation we all traveled up to Grant and Jenni’s in Fort Wayne. We were able to hang out, have pizza and some cake.

Karsten will be working for a company in Schaumburg called Cetera doing some marking for them. He will be living with my sister until he can afford to live there by himself or with some roommates!
Before Neal died, instead of saying he was going to “die” he would say he was “graduating to heaven.” Karsten’s graduation took on a new meaning with Neal in mind. Before graduates actually graduate they make all kinds of plans. Some are blessed with finding a job to start after graduate, some get married, some start further education and some travel. We can have many plans but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21) We still must do our part. We can’t expect God to hand us everything on a platter. He wants to cooperate with us, to work in us and through us to accomplish His plans. Neal said that he wanted to finish well. That should be our goal daily especially since we don’t know when our end will come.
We can be confident knowing that God, who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion until Christ returns or we graduate to heaven. (Philippians 1:6) It will be the best plan and journey especially designed by God for each of us!
On the journey,