Good news!

This past week I met with my oncologist.  All my tests that I recently had done show that I am still cancer free! Praise God!  The timing of this news was perfect just coming of the breast cancer walk and anticipating this next weekend of Neal’s one year anniversary of his death (the 31st).

In some ways I can’t believe it’s already been a year and at other times it seem like I’m in a time warp.  All the kids will be coming home for the weekend so we can be together.  I have been anxious anticipating this anniversary.  God’s word tells us not to worry about anything, easier said than done.  Right?  But that verse goes on to say instead we should pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  For me this is key- tell God how I feel and look for all the blessings he has given instead of focusing on the negative.  If I do this, I will experience God’s peace. (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT).   I can honestly say I do experience God’s peace that can only come from him.  Anyone can experience this peace.  It doesn’t matter what we say or do but trust in God that his ways are best.

This past Monday I took Collin to Grand Valley University near Grand Rapids to start his college experience.  They had freshman orientation all this week so classes start this Monday.  From the time we drove onto campus, got him unloaded, I was heading out in less than an hour.  He was anxious for me to leave so he could start “hanging out.”  I take Karsten to Taylor this afternoon to start his senior year.  I will probably be there for quite awhile to help get him settled because he will be living in an apartment on campus.  Then we will head to Meijer to get groceries and whatever else he needs.  From Taylor I will head to Indianapolis to spend the night with Whitney and Ty.  Tomorrow I will help in Whitney’s classroom.

One of my greatest blessing is my children and grand kids.  What is your blessing today?

On the journey,

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