Expectation–Part 2

expected to post this second part earlier but Banks was born.  We didn’t expect there to be problems after his delivery.  I didn’t expect to hear a radio station on my way home from Indianapolis yesterday already dedicated to Christmas music.  I didn’t expect to come home to snow on the ground.   But sometimes life doesn’t go according to our plans.

In post Part 1, we talked that things didn’t go the way Habakkuk thought they should.  God’s actions collided with his expectations.  He asked God “Why” and “How long” were the bad guys going to win.  After God told Habakkuk that it was going to get worse before it got better, Habakkuk asked God, “As You unleash Your wrath, remember Your mercy.”  (3:2)  It doesn’t seem that wrath and mercy should go together but that is what we see at the cross.  God poured out His wrath on His Son hanging on the cross.  It was that wrath that made salvation possible for us.  God’s wrath is inseparable from His love and grace.

In the end Habakkuk knew there would be hard times ahead yet he decided to remember all God’s work in the past and His character which allowed him to worship God. Chapter 3 of Habakkuk is a beautiful  prayer sung by Habakkuk, Ï have heard all about you, Lord, and I am filled with awe by the amazing things you have done.  In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by.  And in your anger, remember your mercy…Even though the figs have no blossom…even though the olive crop fails…yet I will rejoice in the Lord!  I will be joyful in the God of my strength!  He will make me as surefooted as a deer and bring me safely over the mountains.”

The author of our study encouraged us to write our own version of chapter three.  I really connected with this whole study of Habakkuk so I tried my own version.

Lord, I have heard of your fame and I’m stopped in my tracks, down on my knees.  Repeat what you did for them in my time.  Because you are Holy, remember your mercy as you bring judgment.

I call to mind all You have done:

You sent Your only Son to earth to take on human form.  He suffered ridicule, was misunderstood, was beaten, spit upon.  He died a cruel death on the cross for me, the ultimate sacrifice so I may have forgiveness of my sins and have eternal life.

You show Your wrath and mercy together.

Creation shows your handiwork.  The leaves on the trees are changing beautiful colors and then falling to the ground all brown and shriveled up.  The trees die for the winter only to come alive in the spring.

You show Your wrath and mercy together.

I am awaiting the birth of my 5th grandson.  Because of Eve’s sin, Whitney will have pain in childbirth.  But the outcome is a beautiful, life-breathing creation.

You show Your wrath and mercy together.

Because we live in a broken world due to sin, cancer came to my house.  Through treatments and prayer, healing came to one on earth and the other healing cam through death.

You show Your wrath and mercy together.

At the end of age, You will stand as judge.  You will hold each of us accountable for our actions in life.  Those who are guilty of violating the moral requirements of your righteous law will not be allowed into Your Kingdom.  Those who have chosen to follow Your ways will be with You forever.

You show Your wrath and mercy together.

Even though my husband died.  Even though I’m all alone in my quiet house with no one to talk with.   Even though I feel misunderstood sometimes.  Even though I had breast  cancer.  Even though I feel lonely and sad sometimes.  Even though I may not remarry.  Even though my cancer may come back…..

Yet will I rejoice in the Lord.  The Eternal Lord is my strength!  He will make me sure-footed as a deer and bring me safely through my journey.

It is good to recall all God has done for us in the past.  It helps us get through today and the future.  We can let our circumstances inform what we know to be true of God or we can let what we know to be true about God inform our circumstances.

Even though things may not be going the way you expected and God’s actions seem to collide with those expectations, will you still choose to worship God?  I choose to thrive in the midst.  Instead of asking “Why?”I will ask “What do you want me to learn from this?” I refuse to let what I don’t know about my circumstances keep me from worshiping what I do know:  God is with me, He is my strength; He is my hope; He is my comfort; He goes before me; He gives me peace.

Even though life is not what I expected yet will I rejoice in the Lord!  Will you?

On the journey,


Word count: 574 Draft saved at 6:55:32 pm. Last edited by trish on November 13, 2014 at 9:09 pm


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2 thoughts on “Expectation–Part 2

  1. Trish – Again thank you for sharing your heart. What an outstanding rewording of Habakkuk…. You continue to be an inspiration.

    Please put my name on the top of the list for you book.

    Love and hugs,


  2. Thanks Linda!

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