Oh, Christmas Tree…

Thanksgiving seemed to come and go quickly.  It was an off year meaning that my married kids spent the holiday with their in-laws.  Collin and Karsten say it is lame when it’s an off year because the house is so quiet.  Saturday Britton and his family and Whitney and Ty came on their way home to go with Karsten, Collin and I to the Pinecrest Tree Farm to get our annual tree.   http://www.pinecrestchristmastreefarm.com/  The boys got it in the stand and put on the lights.  They also brought down the Christmas boxes from the attic so I could finish decorating today.

I heard someone say that ornaments are memories on branches.  So true.  Last year it was very difficult to put on Neal and my ornaments because the memories flooded back. The daily reminder was difficult.  I decided then this year my tree would have all new ornaments.  I don’t think I am stuffing down the memories but needing new traditions.  Maybe I will be ready some year to get them out again.  But for now my tree has red, white and silver ornaments.

2013 Christmas Tree
2013 Christmas Tree

Christmas time is about love and family.  I feel so blessed to have had the love from Neal for over 32 years.  I don’t want to focus on what I don’t have but the blessings all around me.  God sent the ultimate gift of love in Jesus so he could take the penalty for our sin resulting in the gift of eternal life.  That means I will see Neal again one day!

On the journey,




2 thoughts on “Oh, Christmas Tree…

  1. Trish, I have read your entire blog last years from the beginning and still follow you!. Have you thought of turning your blog into a book. You and Neal have gone through so much, especially the last few years. You are an isnpiration to many. I think it would encourage anyone else who has benn or will be following the same path.. Wishing you a blessed Christmas with your family

    • Christa,
      Neal and I always joked that we were going to write a book someday. He even went as far as writing down book chapters and some entries. I guess I will have to see if God opens that door. I would like to preserve the blog for my children.
      I am glad you have been blessed. I want people to know that in the midst of trials you can still have hope and peace through Jesus Christ.
      On the journey,

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