Something Unusual

It was 65 degrees here this past weekend, in Michigan, in the middle of December.  Not typical weather for us.  Something else unusual for me was this Thanksgiving was the year my married kids went to their in-laws so Karsten, Collin and I went to Florida to be with my parents.  It’s been about 15 years since I had been there for Thanksgiving.  It was different to go for walks every day in my shorts and lay out by the pool, not the typical activity I was used to for Thanksgiving.  For as long as I can remember, the kids and I have gone to the tree farm the same weekend at Thanksgiving to cut down our tree.  Since I was in Florida we did it the weekend after, not what I was used to.

When you think about it, what king leaves his life of honor and glory in his kingdom to come to a place of chaos, trials and hard work?  Not typical behavior for a king.  The bible tells us that glory and honor to God forever and ever.  He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; he alone is God (1 Timothy 1:17).  How many kings would become the least for me?  Listen to this song:

There is only one who gave up His heavenly throne, Jesus.  We will all probably sing the Christmas carol, Hark!  The herald Angels Sing, at least once this season.  Think about the words, “Hail the incarnate Diety, pleased as man with man who dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel….Born that no more may die.  Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth…Hark!  The herald Angels sing, ‘Glory to the newborn King.'”  He came and dwelt among us only to die to give us second birth.

Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, the prophets foretold of His birth.  “Look!  The virgin will conceive a child!  She will give birth to a son, and he will be called Immanueal, meaning God is with us.”  Isaiah 7:14.  Even after Jesus died and returned to heaven, He is still with us.  He has left us the Holy Spirit to guide us, teach us, convict us of our sins, empower us, and is our guarantee of eternal life with God.

For some, Christmas is a hard time because we remember those we have lost or difficult relationships.  A Christmas present isn’t going to change that, well maybe temporarily.  We need the presence of God.  He will be with us always. He will help us.  He will strengthen us.  Emmanuel, God is with us!

Who do you know this Christmas season that needs some encouragement?  Share with them the presence of God.  The best part of Christmas is not the presents we receive, but the presence of God with us.

Thank you King Jesus that you stepped down from your heavenly throne to dwell among us.

On the journey,




The First Snow of the Season!

The first snow of the season is especially beautiful, so white and clean.

The first snow of the season! 11/21/15
The first snow of the season! 11/21/15


This clean snow reminds me of the verse in Psalm 51:7 that says, “Purify me from my sins and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow.”  It is because of Jesus taking on human form (which we are getting ready to celebrate at Christmas) and then shedding his blood for our sins that we can be cleansed from our sin and made whiter than snow.  Our black ugly sins cleansed  to become whiter than snow!  Amazing!

This past week in my Bible Study Fellowship lesson we talked about how does God’s creation respond to Him?  I think the white snow is one way that the heavens tell of the glory of God and display His marvelous craftsmanship (Psalm 19:1).  The beauty of the rainbow, the colors of the leaves in fall, the vast variety of flowers and their colors, the gorgeous sunsets here on Lake Michigan are just a few ways God’s creation respond to Him.image
God created everything and it exists for His pleasure. Therefore, He is worthy to receive glory and honor and power. If the snow and the sunsets are glorifying God, how much more should we who are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27) praise and glorify HIm?
How will you praise and glorify God today?
On the journey,
