The Blessing of Friendship

Add a little bit of body textMary and Elizabeth, two very special people in the story of Jesus’ birth.  Both were miraculously pregnant one carrying the forerunner of the other.  Elizabeth’s husband, Zechariah, was a high priest.  He was chosen by his division to go into the temple of The Lord to burn incense.  While there, he was met by an angel who told him his wife was going to give birth and the name of the child was to be John.  Zechariah questioned the angel because both he and Elizabeth were both quite old and had not conceived any children.  The angel struck Zechariah mute until the birth of the child because of his unbelief.

Sure enough Elizabeth became pregnant and in her sixth month God sent an angel to visit Mary.  You know the story, the angel told Mary she would conceive by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a son, who was to be named Jesus.  Jesus would be great and called the Son of the Most High.  The angel also told Mary about her relative, Elizabeth, who was going to have a child in her old age.

Mary traveled three days to Elizabeth and Zechariah’s house to stay with them for three months.  I can imagine Elizabeth encouraged Mary and helped her through those rough first months of pregnancy.  The elderly Elizabeth probably loved having a much younger Mary in her house to help as she neared the end of her pregnancy.  God upheld them both through each other.  The house was silent of men.  Zechariah was unable to speak and Joseph was back in Nazareth.  God didn’t use the men in their life to encourage them.  He chose a girl friend.

A shared experience brought them together:  pregnancy.  When women get together the topic many times turns to their children and if one is pregnant the pregnancy stories start flowing.

Let me introduce to you two new girl friends of mine.  We all share a common experience:  our husbands have died after a blood cancer and stem cell transplant.   Sherry’s husband died in May of this year and Julie’s husband just died in October.  We have such a unique bond because our stories are so similar.  We live with in 15 miles of each other (which is amazing and a blessing) which allows us to get together weekly to encourage each other.  These women have come to mean so much in my life.

God is our ultimate Friend.  In John 15:15 Jesus calls us his friends.  What are characteristics of a friend?   Someone who is loyal, trustworthy, supportive, honest, empathic, loves me, brings out the best in me and the list goes on.  These are qualities of our earthly friends as well as God.  We can talk to God as our friend but we must also listen to Him.  Friendship is not a one way relationship.

Friends, my prayer for you is that you would know God as your Forever Friend.  He wants to share our experiences.  Let him in as you would a close friend.

You can read the story of Elizabeth and Mary in Luke chapter one.

On the journey,


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