A Wandering Widow

Four years ago today I became a widow.  I never dreamed that when I said “I do” 36 years ago to Neal that this would be my situation today.   But here is where God has me and so I move forward.  After Neal died I was the only younger widow I knew.  Since then God has placed 5 other widows in my path closer to my age.  So, we wander through life together.  Oh the adventures we have!  I just finished another week of wandering, this time in the Pigeon Forge/Smokey Mountains area with one of my newer widow friends.  What a beautiful area with all the mountains.  Our condo was off the beaten path, set on the edge of the Smokey Mountains.


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Mr friend, Joyce, and I enjoyed the arts and crafts trail in Gatlinburg, visiting working artisan shops.  Lunch at a quaint tea room was a yummy treat.  And of course, what is a trip to the hill country without buying a pair of cowboy boots!








A couple of the days we hiked some trails at the Smokey Mountain National Park.  Some of the paths were wide and easy to walk along.  I didn’t have to keep my eyes on the path and could enjoy the scenery.








Other times, the paths were rocky or full of tree roots making it difficult to take my eyes off the path.  Every so often I had to pause to look around so I wouldn’t miss the beauty along the way.

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When life is easy we look around and things look great.  It’s easy to see the blessings.  But when difficulties come we focus on our circumstance.  If we don’t pause and look around we will miss the blessings and there are always blessings to be found.  Sometimes we have to look a little harder to find them!

At the Sate Park there are signs marking the different hikes.  Joyce and I would look at the map and try to determine which ones would match our ability and time.  Without knowing exactly what the trail was like, we had to take a guess which one to try.



Even though most of the trails were marked we still didn’t  know what was up ahead or what to expect.  Once in a while an unmarked trail would appear off to the side.


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Some of the trails we could definitely tell were closed because the Park had signs stating  the condition or there was a road block.  Occasionally, there would be a large boulder blocking a dangerous section helping to keep you on the trail.

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So it is with life, we don’t know what is up ahead.  If we could know, I’m not sure I would want to know!  “Trish, in 2008 an employee will embezzle from the dental office.  Then in 2009 you will have breast cancer followed by your husband in 2010 having non-hodgkins lymphoma.  But his treatment won’t work so you will spend much time at The University of Chicago while Neal receives a stem cell transplant.  But hold on because that won’t be successful and he will die…….”

The the journey of life takes us many different directions.  It would be great if life was easy but we all know that doesn’t happen.  Your story is filled with ups and downs.  Andy Rooney, CBS News person    best known from “60 Minutes”, said, “Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”  Those mountain top experiences encourage us but the valleys, the low hard times mature us.

Life goes on.  I say that my widow friends and I “wander.”   To wander means to move or go to different places without having a particular purpose  or direction; to follow a path with many turns; or to go away from a path or course.  I use the word in the sense of moving through life as an adventure taking twists and turns I would have never dreamed (like going to a dude ranch last summer?).  Except I know that God does have a particular purpose and direction in my life.  I don’t always know what that is but I trust that He is leading me on the right path.

“Show me the right path, O Lord, point out the road for. Me to follow.  Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.  All day long I put my hope in you.”  Psalm 25:4-5

On the journey,



For the beauty of the earth…

“For the beauty of the earth,” words from an old hymn kept running through my mind on my recent trip to Seattle last week.  Two of my widow friends accompanied me to attend old family friends son’s wedding and do some sight seeing.

Me, Julie and Sherry at the wedding
Me, Julie and Sherry at the wedding

Seattle is a beautiful city.  We rented a quaint house through Airbnb.  It was located close to the buses, rail system, lots of restaurants, grocery stores and a beautiful park.  I was surprised at how steep some of the roads were, reminding me of San Fransisco.

The house we rented.
The house we rented.
Enjoying our patio
Enjoying our patio






Thankfully, we were able to park behind our house and not on the streets. You know from previous posts that I don't parallel park! Only one direction of traffic could travel down the road at a time causing the other car to move over until the other car passed.
Thankfully, we were able to park behind our house and not on the streets. You know from previous posts that I don’t parallel park! Only one direction of traffic could travel down the road at a time causing the other car to move over until the other car passed.

We enjoyed the typical sight seeing one does in Seattle.  On the ferry over to Tillicum Indian Village we spotted some whales!

Pikes Market Place
Pikes Place Market
Tillicum Village
Tillicum Village


Whales, an added attraction!
Whales, an added attraction!
The original Starbucks!
The original Starbucks!




“For the beauty of the skies, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies;  Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise…”

Adding gum to the "Gum Wall" at Pike Market
Adding gum to the “Gum Wall” at Pike Market
Our salmon being cooked for lunch at Tillicum
Our salmon being cooked for lunch at Tillicum
The beautiful coastline of Seattle
The beautiful coastline of Seattle





One day we took the Victoria Clipper over to Victoria, BC.  I had booked the day’s activities through clippervacations.com.  After the 2 1/2 hour ride we boarded a bus for a city tour and were dropped off to visit the beautiful Buchart Gardens.




Many beautiful flowers...
Many beautiful flowers….


“For the beauty of each hour, of the day and of the night, hill and vale, and tree and flower, sun and moon, and stars of light;  Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise…”

One of the first things you saw as you walked into the Buchart Gardens was a giant chess set.  image

I wondered at its significance.  This is what I came up with: image




While in Victoria we had high tea at the famous Empress Hotel. image

A delightful afternoon!
A delightful afternoon!
To help pass the time on the ferry, we played cards
To help pass the time on the ferry, we played cards






Before dinner one night we did an unusual activity:  Sherlocked Room Escape Game in Seattle.  We joined a group of 4 other women and were locked in an office room for one hour.  We had to locate 10-12 clues, solve them, unlock things, crack codes, find a safe that had the final clue.  Upon solving all that we had to crack the code to unlock the door to let us out.  We got as far as figuring out the code to let us out of the room.  We were told there was only a 30% success rate!

The locked room
The locked room
The found clues
The found clues
Found the secret room in the wardrobe!
Found the secret room in the wardrobe!
The sluth's
The sluth’s






“For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart and mind’s delight, for the mystic harmony, linking sense to sound and sight…”

After Neal died I prayed for some other widows closer to my age.  God has provided Julie and Sherry, among others, who are great traveling buddies.  They graciously went with me to the wedding.  This wedding was an old friend’s son Neal first met in Zambia on a medical mission trip back in 1996.  We maintained a friendship over the years them visiting us on numerous occasions.  In 2000 our whole family went to Zambia on a medical mission trip with this family hosting.

David and Abby the night before the wedding.
David and Abby the night before the wedding.


Martha and Lawrence
Martha and Lawrence






The proud parents of the groom
The proud parents of the groom



“For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child, friends on earth and friends above, for all the gentle thoughts and mild; Lord of all, to thee we raise our grateful hymn of grateful praise…”

Another highlight of the trip was visiting my mom’s oldest brother and his wife, my cousin and her daughter.

Me with my aunt, uncle and cousin
Me with my aunt, uncle and cousin


I am trying to embrace this stage of life I find myself in.  Each day is a choice how I will spend my time.  I am so blessed to have Julie and Sherry in my life to join my journey of traveling.  Embrace where God has you….image





On the journey,
