An eventful few days….

This past weekend I flew to North Carolina to go to Whitney’s maid of honor’s wedding.  Whitney was the matron of honor.  She and I stayed until Monday night.  The wedding was very emotional for me.  It was an outside wedding in gardens on a hot day like Whitney’s.  When Allie’s dad walked her down the isle I pictured Neal with Whitney.  What a blessing that Neal was healthy enough to walk his only daughter down the isle just two years ago.  As I was lost in my thoughts and emotions it started to rain.  It was a great deterrent and brought me back to Allie’s joyful occasion.  🙂

Afterwards when I was trying to dry off I thought about being a widow, husbandless.  Jesus calls his followers his Bride and refers to himself as the Bridegroom.  (Rev. 19:7, Is. 54:5, Eph. 5:22-25, 28-29).  Jesus uses this analog to show how deeply he loves us and cares for us.  He is our protector and provider.  The pastor marrying Allie and Matt told how Matt had traded in his old clunker of a car and got a more reliable car now that he had Allie to care for.  Jesus likes to give his people the best he has.  He gives unconditionally and generously.  No man likes to share his wife with another man.  God is a jealous God and does not want to share His wife (his follows) with another.  He doesn’t want us to put other things as more important than God himself.  Even though Neal is not here with me as my husband I know that God is caring for me and loving me.

On another note,  while I was gone Collin stayed with Bobbie.  Monday morning I get a call from Collin that Bobbie had passed out in the kitchen and fallen.  Collin got her in his car and headed to the emergency room.  He got into a minor accident on the way but the people followed him to the ER.  I thought maybe Bobbie had a minor stroke but it appears that she passed out because of a low heart rate (45).  The hospital kept here over night for some tests.  I brought her home Tuesday night.  She will wear a monitor for 28 days to determine appropriate treatment.  Praise God that Collin was there!

On the journey,

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