Sharp knives

I didn’t realize just how dull my knives had gotten until I got then sharpened this week.  Tomatoes were so much easier to slice, peaches a breeze to pare and cutting frozen chicken-well it was a snap!

The Bible, Gods Word, is sharper than the sharpest knife or cutlery.  It’s not just a bunch of words but it is living and life changing.  The word of God pierces us, opens us up, reveals and leads us.  His written principles cut through everything we think is hidden like our doubts and fears.  His Word pierces our joints and bone marrow which are both hidden to man. Since Neal’s cancer I am very familiar with bone marrow.  He had several biopsies so the doctors to check what was inside.  God knows.  The marrow is the vital life of the bones .  We can’t see our joints but we know the benefits of their purpose, to allow our outward movements.  There is nothing hidden from God.  His Word  cuts deep into our lives showing us His love, will, and plan.  It opens us up to reveal our desires, thoughts, ideas or plans.  We need to surrender those to God and choose His way over our way.  
I may not understand God’s plans but I do know that the Bible is what has gotten me through this past year.  On its pages I have found love, comfort, hope, a life worth living, strength, peace, goodness and power.  Instead of living a life of emptiness, despair or selfishness I have chosen to let God use his tool to cut, form and shape me.  What about you? 

For the word of GodB)’> and active.D)’> it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.