So Let It Be!

Neal’s father, Dale, for many years gave the prayer before the sermon at his church.  At the end of every prayer he would say, “So let it be!”

In reading the Christmas story, I ran across someone else who gave that same kind of response, Mary the mother of Jesus.  The angel appeared to her and told her the Lord was with her.  Confused and disturbed she didn’t know what that could mean.  “Don’t be afraid, ” the angel said, for God has decided to bless you!  You will become pregnant and give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah, the King whose kingdom will never end!”  Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant and I am willing to accept whatever he wants.  May everything you have said come true.”  (Luke 1:26-38)  So let it be!

Mary’s yes to God’s call on her life shows her humble obedience.  It shows her faith in the plan of the one true God, Lord of All!  It was no small task He was asking of her.  Being an unwed mother back then was a big no-no.  Can you imagine the response Mary got from family and friends when she told them she was pregnant but she had never slept with Joseph or any other man?  Then she proceeded to tell them she was pregnant with the Son of God.  Yea, right!

Sometimes God calls us to do hard things.  But nothing is impossible with God (v 37).  He doesn’t promise a life of ease but He does promise to be with us forever, be our Comforter, be our Strength, be our Peace.

“Let every heart prepare Him room…”  Have you lost sight of Jesus in the busyness of Christmas?  God’s only begotten Son can become God’s only forgotten Son.   Don’t miss the true gift of Christmas!

What God asks of us, may our response be “So let it be!”

Merry Christmas!

On the journey,


One thought on “So Let It Be!

  1. Loved the song very much. I will use it at Easter. I was touched by the line how many fathers gave up their son for you.

    Together on the journey

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