3 Days 60 Miles I did that!

What an incredible experience to participate in the Susan G Komen 3 Day 60 miles.  My team mates and I successfully completed the challenge to take a stand against cancer and go out of our comfort zone to walk in such a journey.  There were 1300 walkers and together we raised over 2.75 million dollars to help stamp out cancer.  It was awesome to hear other walker’s stories.

Amy Marohn, Me, Sharon Austin, Amy Avery (fellow survivor)

We were on the walking route every morning by 7:30, lunch at 10:45ish, back at camp by around 3:00, showers, early dinner and lights out at 9:00pm.

The sea of tents.  Now, which one was ours??
Waiting to use the toilet facilities:)
The showers were hot!
Eating dinner! 
Our home base in Novi, MI

Bank of America was one of the corporate sponsors.  They provided a tent of massage chairs that we enjoyed on numerous occasions!

We were over whelmed at the community support.  People showed up at designated cheering stations, others set up tables in their driveways with snacks and drinks or bandages and sunscreen.  There were numerous signs with support.  The town of Plymouth even showed their support by turning their town fountain pink!  Local school’s cheer teams lined sidewalks to cheer us along.


Thank you to everyone that supported me over the last several months thru your prayers and finances. I couldn’t have done it without you.  Our team finished strong with no blisters and our toenails still intact! Walking across the finish was very emotional for me.  Walkers, staff, families and friends were there to cheer us on.  I was thankful to be among the other survivors.  Yet I wished Neal was there with me cheering and that he too was among other survivors.  I know that he, Dale and others are cheering me on, encouraging me to run (or walk) the race  marked out for me, fixing my eyes on Jesus
 (Hebrews 12:1-3)
On the journey,
Thanks Amy, Amy and Sharon!

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