Leave Your Mark in 2017


A new year.  We all wonder what 2017 will bring.  Someone shared “The Parable of the Pencil” with me today.  The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.  “There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil, “before I send you out into the world.  Always remember  them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.”


Now replacing the pencil with your life.  Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.

img_0867My 2017 began by celebrating Christmas with my children over the New Year weekend.

Our fondue dinner
Our fondue dinner
Mt grandkids version of "Home Alone" booby trap!
Mt grandkids version of “Home Alone” booby trap!

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Our saran wrap ball game where a person gets to unwrap the ball until another person rolls doubles with dice. Adults used gloves.
Our saran wrap ball game where a person gets to unwrap the ball until another person rolls doubles with dice. Adults used gloves.







We also play a gift card matching game and used our old “Wheel of Fortune” from the dental office to earn gift cards.






We had some creative acting, poem writing and dancing.

Michelle having to guess "Santa's suspenders"
Michelle having to guess “Santa’s suspenders”
Caleb getting ready to pop his balloon


Since the children were going to be asleep for the New Year’s celebration at midnight (who am I kidding, so were the adults), we had a Noon Day Celebration.  I had 5 balloons hung since there would be 5 children able to pop balloons.  Each child was assigned a time and balloon starting at 8AM.   When it was their turn, they got to pop the balloon, counting down to Noon Day.  Hadley had the balloon at noon but before she popped it we watched a countdown on UTube and had noise makers, hats, and fizzy juice for the celebration.

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!


What will your year 2017 bring?  What mark, like a pencil, will you make?  We each are created uniquely by God with a special purpose.  You were made to do great things! (Ephesians 2:10).



On the journey,




















One thought on “Leave Your Mark in 2017

  1. Your friends and family in Zambia are shouting your name to the Lord and thanking Him for your story of redemption and love and all the life’s real victories on the field. You’re one worker who is Jesus answer when he told the disciples pray to the Lord of harvest to send the workers.



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